Christopher walken poker face reading

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Christopher Walken's reading of Poker Face by Lady Gaga

Nov 13, 2009 ... If you've grown up reading comics and weren't alive during the 1930s, then deciding to fight Nazis at every opportunity probably seems ... Poker Face Mashup Feat. Lady Gaga, Christopher Walken, and Cartman (GorillaMask). What is “Try Not to Breathe” about? | MetaFilter Sometimes she will even demonstrate how it should be read -- it ends up not unlike the Christopher Walken "Poker Face". Whether we do it or ... Lady Gaga rules the ghouls as she greets fans in London - Free ... ... and a white tutu. (Excerpt) Read more at . ... an occult lifestyle. Lady Gaga Accused of Performing Satanic Ritual in Hotel Room Read more at .... Christopher Walken did a hilarious reading of one of the two Lady Gaga charting songs, 'Poker Face', which shows the vacuousness of the lyrics.

Nov 1, 2009 ... Christopher Walken sings along to Lady Gaga's Poker Face! VIDEO MASHUP Download details at ...

Walken’s dramatic reading and Gaga’s pleather-tastic vid below. UPDATE: I have been informed by no less an authority than Jon Friedman, comedian and blogger at Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, that Jude Law also did a dramatic reading of “Poker Face” at Jimmy’s behest over a month ago. Lada Gaga's Poker Face read by Christopher Walken -… This video gave me the most awesome idea ever - Christopher Walken reading Full Life Consequences.Walken is noted for refusing movie roles only rarely, having stated in interviews that he will decline a role only if he is simply too busy on other projects to take it. Christopher Walken's Poker Face Page 2 : Time for some mail bonding

His reading is so captivating that it makes one hope that he might record and release some audio books. Others are obsessed with his reading style. Walken was even the inspiration for the stage show All About Walken: The Impersonators of Christopher Walken, which was created by actor/comedian Patrick O’Sullivan in California in 2006.

Early life. Christopher Walken was born Ronald Walken on March 31, 1943, in Astoria, New York, the son of Rosalie (née Russell; May 16, 1907 – March 26, 2010), a Scottish immigrant from Glasgow, and Paul Wälken (October 5, 1903 – February 23, 2001), a German immigrant from Gelsenkirchen who owned and operated Walken's Bakery in Astoria.

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Homepretty darn coolChristopher Walken Reads Lady Gaga’s Poker Face.

The Adam Westing trope as used in popular culture. Some actors get reputations that just won't go away. Maybe they're famous for being divas on the set. A Rare Sentence - TV Tropes